Starting Somewhere - A Search for Something

September 13, 2024

Three years ago my son was born. He is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Something changed that day though. Everything I had enjoyed doing like playing video games, hanging out with my friends, taking photos, and fishing was suddenly thrown to the side. There was no longer any time to enjoy those things. It’s almost as if the day he was born the part of my life that made me happy died. Which don’t get me wrong that was a very dramatic way to word it but it’s true.

You may be wondering why I’m even bringing this up. No I’m not trying to make you feel bad for me. Things are actually going okay for me right now. My girlfriend and I have built a great life together and I have a job that I can’t really complain about. The reason I bring it up is to provide some context for what I’m about to do and why I feel like I need to write about it. I’m going on a journey to try and figure out who I am as an individual again. It’s a scary thing and sure I could just do it myself but I sorta like the idea of doing it in public. Who knows maybe someone else feels the same and it will be something that helps them out. Also mens mental health is a really strange topic to talk about online and I want to destigmatize it a little.

The point of all this is to try and find hobbies that make me feel like myself again while documenting the process. That can either be revisiting old hobbies or trying something completely new. While doing these projects I’ll take notes and write my thoughts down at the end. Hopefully the act of purposefully trying to do things for myself will make me feel like more of a complete and individual person.

NOTE: I will be updating this page as I go so it can be used as a table of contents.